Friday, 22 February 2013

To concentrate or not to...

This is all starting to become very clear to me…  and by the time I’m done ranting I think you might agree with me.  If I make a decision to focus my efforts on something, say eating healthy…it starts out great, a lot of effort goes into it, then something happens and poof just like that my focus shifts… but…because I know I need to eat healthy,  along the way something happens, I have a thought… and without any effort or pressure voila! I do it with relative ease. Allow me...

Before the end of 2012, I made a conscious decision to cleanse and purge my self, for health and spiritual reasons.  It was my way of releasing all the pains and hurts I experienced throughout the year and making a conscious effort to start the New Year off healthy along with mental clarity.  I purged in November and began making healthy food choices.  Pork, chicken and whatever little beef I was still eating was cut out completely and replaced with lots of vegetables, beans and fish.  While the benefits of eating healthy became apparent in my attitude and waistline, it wasn’t long before I became bored with consuming fish… Frustrated I went back to eating chicken… and rice… and… you can imagine what else…

Fast forward to over the past two weeks -- I’ve noticed a paradigm shift in the way I think.  Automatically, without any consideration, my choices regarding food have just naturally been healthier.  I even made a salad one evening after work!! OMG you say! I was pleasantly surprised myself… and that’s what led me to this thought…  Is it better to concentrate or not to?  I have found that concentration sometimes requires an insurmountable amount of energy so why not use that energy for something taxing and just go with the flow of life for others.

If the thought naturally arrives and the body just surrenders without a fight can a lack of motivation, procrastination and being irresolute become nonexistent in our everyday lives?  I think so! Just as long as the thought that arrives naturally isn’t to afflict pain on someone but to improve your being.

I am capable of making loving choices that benefit me.